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Goodbye and all that

Unfortunately in the draft trade to get Jo Poole out here, I got traded to the Southeast Chapter.  I am moving to North Carolina in a month to start my new post-military career in wastewater management.  I am not much of a joiner, but it was a real pleasure riding with you guys here in the NW.  I feel a lot of the movers and shakers are out here and I got to talk to all of them.  I hope to see all of you at a future National.  Also, I hope to ride with you again some summer while I'm out here visiting kids.  I will attempt not to embarass you too badly back East, and will at least wash my bike before attending my first gathering back there.  :great:
Best of luck to you on the other side of the country.  Hope the new job is good and I trust you'll find some good roads for riding.
runnerb0y said:
Best of luck to you on the other side of the country.  Hope the new job is good and I trust you'll find some good roads for riding.

+1..  :beerchug:
Wolcome to the Southeast, I am sure you will find a great group of COGers here also. Check your member handbook to locate the members in your new area. :welcome:

Good luck with your new job.  If your settled in, the Run With the Wolf Rally in April.  It should be a great time, with great riding, and you can meet some folks from the area.  I'm planning to ride down from Virginia with two other COG members.  :beerchug:

Where in NC are you headed?  I'm in the Charlotte area.  I never wash my bike, so don't worry about not fitting in.  :)
Uglydog56 said:
..... and will at least wash my bike before attending my first gathering back there.  :great:

EWWwwwww!  Please conserve the water.
Good luck going from the left of Texas to her right.  :)
Rick, you will be missed!
Have enjoyed your participation here in the NW!
Good luck and riding in your new occupation and  location.  ;)
Well, if nothing else you're going to be in range of some best areas of the country to ride!
Oh too funny Rick! :s_hi:

Hope to meet up with you  at one of the events in the SE!
Yes I am back in the SE and your are getting into some great riding  times and great roads...but remember the east coast mountains are mostly foothills  to you!


Famous line from who, I forget, but anyway... "no good ever came from washing a coffee mug, a cat or a motorcycle".
WillyP said:
Famous line from who, I forget, but anyway... "no good ever came from washing a coffee mug, a cat or a motorcycle".

Ha, that's funny.  my first boss after college had a coffee mug like that.  one time his wife scrubbed it clean with a brillo pad.  he was NOT happy!  :D
Well Rick, good luck to you in your new gig.  I'm going to miss seeing what can be done to a Connie with resin and a cereal box.  Think you might be able to make the wrench session at Dan's, or are you full speed ahead with packing and out-processing?
I can't speak for COG, but I'm sure you're going to LOVE  North Carolina and the Southeast. I'll take you in trade for two of my old skateboarding buddies who had to move to the NW for job reasons. Welcome!
:great:My sis in law lives in Atlanta and the few times we have visited have gone up to NC...gorgeous area. I could live there easily. Good luck!
Charlie, I could probably make that, but my sister's going to be in town for vacation, so I've got to get all the packing out of her I can.  ;)  I'm not going to say yes, but I will see what I can do.
If you can that would be great, but if family trumps us it wouldn't be a bad thing.  That said, hope to see you Saturday.  We'll have lunch sponsored by COG, so come get your dues money worth.
I'm kind of envious  , here he is moving closer to The Dragon right at the time to enjoy it .... ???
We've got a member leaving the Northwest.  Are you willing to upgrade to full member status to take his place?  We'll send you a killer magazine.  ;)
and Herman....  you will get to meet some really awesome people that just happen to like
riding their bikes too.. and they're full of good tech info, fun times, good food, and ...Oh I could go on, but you need to think if a few bucks spent here is worth more than the hassle of trying to figure things out on your own!

Charlie, don't worry..the SE  will take Uglydog59 under their arm ok..........
IF your talking to me Jo , yes I went to last years tech meeting (I was the guy crawling all over the shop floor with Colin looking for that darn pin from his front brakes) Unfortunately my funds are highly limited , I've been paying cash for the wife's dental work at the tune of $600 to 700 a month . Its severely cut into my riding funds and time ... BUT there is daylight ahead at about June and I can see about an upgrade .
I remember those days, when my dental plans were MasterCard and VISA.  I feel for you.
Looking a lil better today , refund check came  going get a windshield from someone ! ...TODAY!
OH I forgot to add I was hoping Colin still had that Clearview windscreen (I'd rather give the money to someone on the forum than someone on eBay )
We enjoyed the opportunity to ride with you and you can always come back to visit.  Best of luck to you and THANK YOU for your service!  Tell Theresa to wear her vest proudly!  Safe Travels