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Great long NW day ride


I was hankering for some seat time and so took a day yesterday and just went. My initial plan was to the grand circuit of Bainbridge Island to Seattle, up to Hwy 20 and over the North Cascades pass, down to Hwy 2, over Stevens Pass, and back. But that is about a 9 hour day, and when I had made it to the town of Concrete on Hwy 20, I turned South instead, and just had a lovely tour of the foothills around Darrington. I had a 5 hour ride instead, and loved it.

Lots of people out riding on the back roads. The roads around the Cascades in Washington this time of year are just incredible. Every river is large and gorgeous from all the snow melt, and the peaks are are jagged and picturesque as any you will find elsewhere. As long as I was doing 40-80 the temperature was perfect. The stop and go traffic in Seattle at the end was rather hellish, but that's why I don't live in Seattle :)

Here's to all my fellow NW riders with hope that you are happily eating up miles.
The Hwy 20-Hwy 2 loop is a great ride. We are doing it next month with an overnight in Wenatchee. ;D I will probably take my 84' Sabre since it is the perfect weekend bike with the suspension mods. I just got my 94' C-10 and it has been neglected so it will take a while to sort out the bugs. The tires on it were 14 years old and the brake pads paper thin but the up side is it only has 26k on it. :-[
Enjoy your ride! I have a pattern of buying older, neglected, but not abused, machines. They can be real gems. A little TLC and they are good as new but cost 10% the price. That day is a long time in the saddle, and about the only time I miss the cruise control my FJR had.