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Grinding down pointy cams on C10 footpegs


Thought I would post this up for new C10 owners going through their newly acquired machines.

Grinding down pointy cams on C10 footpegs

These pointed cams do not allow the footpeg to fold up enough, forcing the peg to leverage concentrated pressure on both the footpeg and bracket, often cracking or breaking one or both during a minor tip-over.

The OEM cost to replace these 2 parts is about $200 per side!  (about half that at Murph's).

Here's a simple fix anyone can do with a bench grinder to greatly reduce the likliehood of footpeg / bracket casualties.

Grind the cam down as shown by the red line.


The following pics show significantly smaller peg fold up angle resulting from relieving the cam point, effectively reducing it from being a pressure point during a tip-over.


