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Guess she's mine, now


The odo passed 40 this weekend, which means that I've actually put more miles in her saddle than the previous, and only other, owner.  Ran flawlessly and did the Cherohala while getting 41 mpg.  8)  Don't usually get that good a mileage around home, so I'm figuring I need more time in E. Tennessee/W. North Carolina to do my part to conserve gas.  >:D
Cap'n Bob said:
It's probably ethanol free fuel! How do you get good fuel mileage anywhere in that area?  :)

My thoughts exactly.  My mileage around there usually goes down to the mid thirties at best.  Whats your secret Tom? :whoo:
She rides real purdy after a valve check and carb sync. Oh, and following (more or less  :eek: )  the speed limits helps...
Gas mileage is inversely proportionate to the opening of the throttle.  I have that problem that I ride in lower gears with more throttle in the mountains, less brake usage, but mileage suffers.  Have a lot of fun though.