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Have you OTPed?


Just a reminder from Ted, Over The Pond slave labor on medical leave about this years efforts... Please consider supporting this annual event. Ted wrote: I decided to send this note as I see that we are in dire need of some help with this years OtP. In previous years (by this time) we've collected more than $1000 of pledges to help the OtP Traveler make his trip. This year we have less than $750 in pledges, and the number of pledges is waaay down... I know it has been a very rough year for everyone. World economy sux... If you can't pledge, we "do" understand... OtP is something that this club does that is very special. I know of no other club that sends a member OtP...... This is the 9th year!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is not so much the fact that we must receive "X" amount of money. The thing is, many members of this club share the dream for a person making a ride OtP. The number of pledges show sthat support. We DO have a GREAT CLUB.... Please help us make this year another success. NOTE: We do not need BIG pledges, just a bunch of smaller ones will do. $10 or $20 x (a bunch) will add up. Someone,, (even Harry) Please pass this on to the COG Online Forum........... If I offend some, please feel free to shoot me an email and chew me out. I've been called a ^%#$%^^ on more than 1 occasion. No need to sent to the entire site.. I'll get the idea.. ted@concours.org If you can, please send Hans a Pledge NOTE to help make Russels trip more memorable.. "G
Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see there where we can send the pledge money, or how to pay. Paypal? Also is there a thread somewhere where we can see who was nominated and something about the selection(s) process and so on. 2003 Concours, 61K COG #6953 IBA 28004 http://home.comcast.net/~slybones/Concours/connieMain.htm
Here is a nice long thread about it. http://www.cog-online.org/clubportal/mboards/viewmessages.cfm?clubID=1328&forum=1413&Topic=21455 Here is a place to donate and some more info. http://flogomatic.blogspot.com/ Photos[/url]
Here is the original thread for OTP IX. You can submit pledges by using the donate button at: Flog-O-Matic If you'd rather not use PayPal, you can send a check to:
  • Spencer Farrow
  • COG/ "OTP IX"
  • 12711 NE 138th Street
  • Kirkland, WA 98034-2261
Mike Aldea, COG-528 Hawthorne, NJ
Thanks. I am sure Russel would enjoy not paying for most of this trip himself. I have no clue where they are on money but I am sure it is expensive over there just like here. I just added up my possible cost for my nationals trip. Donations excepted :/ Photos[/url]