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  • IF YOU GET 404 ERROR: This may be due to using a link in a post from prior to the web migration. Content was brought over from the old forum as is, but the links may be in error. If the link contains "cog-online.org" it is an old link and will not work.



Mini Bike
Gents and Ladies, I will not be attending the National rally in Frisco this year due to other commitments. I am in need of photography for the National Rally issue for the Concourier. If you're going to be shooting pictures of your own experiences there, how about sharing them with the rest of COG by sending copies to me. Please set your digital camera on the highest resolution. I can accept copies by email, disk, or even good old fashioned prints. (If you loan them to me, I'll be happy to mail them back to you.) Also, I'm always in need of trip reports, opinion pieces, or anything related to the Concours or COG. If any questions please call or email me. Bob Burns, Editor The Concourier
Here are my photos from the National Rally. If there is something you like let me know and I can send them to you with more detail http://community.webshots.com/user/lsgiant?vhost=community