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Hermann, MO Loop and Lunch Sat. 10/19


Some of us are meeting at the coffee shop in Hermann, MO on Hwy 100 across from the Hermannof Winery at 10:00 am. on Saturday, Oct. 19th.  We'll gather for a 95 mile ride that loops back to Hermann where we will have lunch at the Stone Hill Winery about 1:00 pm. 

Will be a nice route and a chance to meet some great people.  I look forward to seeing you there, Gary

{Espresso Laine Coffee Shop,  407 First Street (Hwy 100) 65041} 
Was a nice ride today. Met two new to me COGGER'S.  Nice to have met you John and Harrold. Thank you Gary ,
for putting the ride together.
Great to meet all of you. The ride was fantastic and I needed that real bad. Lunch at JnL2 in Owensville was great. Had 2 brats, 2 sides and iced tea for $9 and change. Great place to stop for lunch if you are in the Owensville, MO area. Thanks to the human GPS that knows all those roads out there. Apparently the high viz jacket I wore was a hit by several inquiries to where I bought it. Till next time.