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Honda cartridge oil filters FREE


Just pay shipping. This offer is for current COG members only. Here's a list of bikes they fit.

CB400A Hondamatic - 1978
CB400T Hawk - 1980-1981
CB400TI Hawk I - 1978-1979
CB400TII Hawk II - 1978-1979
CM400A Hondamatic - 1979-1981
CM400C Custom - 1981
CM400E - 1980-1981
CM400T - 1979-1981
CB450SC Nighthawk - 1982-1986
CB450T - 1982
CM450A Hondamatic - 1982-1983
CM450C Custom - 1982
CM450E - 1982-1983
CX500 - 1978-1979
CX500C Custom - 1979-1982
CX500D Deluxe - 1979-1981
CX500TC Turbo - 1982
GL500 Silver Wing - 1981-1982
GL500I Silver Wing Interstate - 1981-1982
CX650C Custom - 1983
CX650T Turbo - 1983
GL650 Silver Wing - 1983
GL650I Silver Wing Interstate - 1983
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