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How does this bike not shred tires?


Still looking into a C14. Closest thing I've had is a blackbird and that thing was bad enough.  I know it sounds bad, but I used a BT020 (FJR spec) on the rear and a metzler Z6 on the front.  I stumbled upon the combination and it worked for me so I stuck with it.  Seems like they only stayed round for 1500 miles or so and then the handling would go off.

Now I never mounted the newest generation tires like the new PR3's, will they make up the difference, even though the C14 is about 130lbs heavier?  If I could get the same life on the C14 as I got on my XX, I'd be happy.
Most folks wore out the 021's pretty quickly on the C14. But I don't know about the 020. Like any tire, if lasts longer if your easier on the throttle. The newer tires all have their pluses and minuses. But they are only getting better and better. Yes the PR3 is a decent choice. I had 7K on my FJR with the PR3 and they could have gone a while longer (getting ready for a trip). But I was much easier on the throttle with this last set. It makes a difference. :))
Cap'n Bob said:
Most folks wore out the 021's pretty quickly on the C14. But I don't know about the 020. Like any tire, if lasts longer if your easier on the throttle. The newer tires all have their pluses and minuses. But they are only getting better and better. Yes the PR3 is a decent choice. I had 7K on my FJR with the PR3 and they could have gone a while longer (getting ready for a trip). But I was much easier on the throttle with this last set. It makes a difference. :))


When I had my ZX14, despite riding it on twisties a lot and not babying it, I got great mileage out of PR2s. While my ZX14 buddies were killing tires in a month. Trust me, I've been riding fast for 45 some years and you can be fast and still make tires last.

Being smooth and following correct lines (as much as road markings and traffic allow) will increase the mileage you get from any pair of tires significantly. Jerky changes in corners and compensating for not setting up your line properly (and before you enter the corner) will scrub rubber off the tire quickly.

Good riders don't wear tires out quickly. Heck, MotoGP riders make rubber soft enough to bury your finger to the first knuckle last for an entire race. The ones that have their tires go away are clearly not as smooth as the ones who don't. Stoner and Pedrosa are examples of riders so smooth tires are almost never an issue.