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Hunt for Red October?


I've been looking for an opportune time to try a COG group ride, and see that NC has "Hunt for Red October" coming up in a few weeks. For anyone familiar with this: How did it get that name? How late do you all ride (thinking about how late it would be to ride back to Minneapolis)? Do guys tend to have their wives/girlfriends along? What's the deal with that? Keith 2005 Concours - "Vanessa" COG#8820
I don't know about the history of the ride but The Hunt for Red October is a novel by Tom Clancy that spawned a motion picture by the same name starring Alec Baldwin and Sean Connery. The title refers to an experimental Russian nuclear missile submarine, the Red October, the name in turn is a reference to the Russian revolution of 1917. My guess is the reason for the ride's name is just that it takes place in October and it's easy to remember so people will pass it on by word of mouth. :)
Many part of the country with large populations of diciduous trees and the leaves are a changing colors, October could be a pretty red month. 2003 Concours, 55K COG #6953 IBA 28004 http://home.comcast.net/~slybones/Concours/connieMain.htm
Crashcup, it would be great to have you along for the Hunt. The Hunt is one of my favorite rides. Go to the link below for a my posting in the "other" forum for more details. http://forum.concours.org/index.php?topic=61271.0 BTW, Welcome to the group. We are fairly active in the twin cities and try to get together at least once a month for something.
The name, though borrowed from the Clancy book, did come from the fall colors of Southwest Wisconsin. All are welcome, There will be wives and girl friends riding solo and two up. You will find all COG rides and events are very inclusive. As far as the ride back to Minneapolis, most usually overnight in Dodgeville and reverse the trip home on Sunday. Which means I typically arrive home late afternoon. If you are not overnighting, you could do the ride to Sparta and then headback to the cities after lunch, making it a very nice day ride.
Thanks for the info Brian, sounds fun. We went through SW Wisc on the Great River Road recently, and would love to get back for more. Not sure yet if the gf would want to come with - after our 2-week trip, she said she didn't want to see Vanessa (my Concours) for awhile. If she doesn't come, and someone still wanted to split a room, that would help keep the cost down for me. So Sunday is not part of the "official ride"? That's a get-back-home day for everyone? Keith 2005 Concours - "Vanessa" COG#8820
Sunday is part of the official ride, but less organized. People just hit the road after a leisurely breakfast, usually in smaller groups. If you are interested and wish to share I still have a extra bunk in my room. Let me know. BTW, What part of town do you call home?
For those interested, a little history on the "Hunt". A little over 15 years ago I was sitting around with a small group of fellow COGers planning out the upcoming seasons ride schedule, on the last ride of the season I suggested an overnight ride into Wisconsin to take advantage of the roads and changing fall colors. We needed a name for it other than "fall ride", right away Kent says Hunt For Red October a fairly recent movie out at the time, the name was apt, it was in October and we would be hunting for the red colors of autumn. The ride moved from Plateville to Spring Green and now to Dodgeville. Join in on the "Hunt," Always a great ride.