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I brought my bike in to the shop, and ended up breaking something. :p


Big Wheel
It is with a heavy heart that I say hello, my friends. I suppose I'm only a guest member at the moment, but I need to talk about my experience today.

      My name is Dylan Holmes, I own a 2005 C10, and the date of my incident is today, 2 July 2014. I've been having issues with my front tire deflating on a rapid, and regular basis, (as quickly as 15-20 psi every two days or so.) Obviously, I've been weary of riding lately, until I've had an opportunity to get it to the shop. It's my day off, and I've known that I've needed to do this, so I pumped her back up, hopped on, and rode in to town. It had been a few weeks since I had a ride, so this was very pleasant, considering I had been riding daily. I pull up to the shop, tell the mechanic my situation, and he asked me to pull it in to the garage, out of the sun, so we could check it out. We both had to pull it up on to the center stand, because I don't weigh enough to step it up, which is somewhat embarrassing, and he proceeds to explain to me that my tire is basically rotting due to age, and even though the tread is still in wonderful condition, I'll need a new tire.

      I didn't want to hear this, but I appreciated his insight. He hands me their card, says I can have the tire I purchase shipped there, and I get back on to my Connie, and prepare to back up and head back home. I realize someone is calling me, so I pull my phone out of my pocket, decide to return the call when I arrive at the house, and I slip the phone back in to pocket. My helmet is in my other hand, and somehow as I was storing my phone, I lose grip on my helmet, it tumbles out of my arms, bounces off of my bike, and cracks off of the concrete floor. During this time, I'm trying to catch it, I feel my bike lean to the left, I try to level it back out, over compensate, and fall to the right... right on to a vintage Indian cruiser... :/

      I imagine that you all can see the look the was probably on my face. I was devastated. The crew in the garage rushes over, we pick up my bike, and inspect the damage. It was obvious that the front wheel cover on the Indian was a bit scuffed, and despite on of the guys saying it was a mangled, it looked fine to me. Still, I feel horrible. I ask if there's anything I could do. The original mechanic I was speaking to says, "Well, it's not as if you can run to the store and pick up a new part for this Indian." I had meant money, but they insisted that there was nothing that could be done. On the way down, my right front turn signal was smashed, but that was the extent of the damage, fortunately. No one was injured. There was no critical damage to either bike, but it was incredibly embarrassing, and I just felt like an absolute jerk. We all know how heavy these beasts are, but I haven't been able to use that as an excuse to forgive myself. I feel that the least that I can do is return to that shop to have my tire done, but I'm also ashamed to even show my face in there again.

      I wish I could say I've learned from the experience, but unfortunately, I believe it was complete series of unfortunate events that ended in disaster. I can't imagine having reacted any differently, but I do wish I simply did not look at my phone. How could I have known? I got away without any financial penalty, but God, I feel disgraceful.
WOW, that's some first post!!  :eek: I'm sure the guys at the shop will forgive you. Best thing you can do is at least return to the shop for the tire repair. I know how you must feel, but at least you can give them your business. Sorry for your unfortunate event.  :(
It's really kind of depressing just how many folks put their first post in here...  Welcome to the forum!  This community really is chock full of great advice and sympathetic ears.  And most of us have had similar experiences - but you're the first person who's dropped Connie into a vintage Indian.  I feel for you, I really do.  I agree that you should suck it up and keep bringing them your business - and to bring them as much new business from others as you can.  Do they have a website?  Post it here so folks who live in the same area will know that they treated you right - as opposed to beating the crap out of you and dumping you in the back alley.

I'm really glad that you weren't hurt, and your incident does qualify you for the CDA Award except for one thing.

You need to be a full COG member.  Don't worry, we don't make you drop her again after you've joined in order to qualify!  Most folks join if they hang around a while and like what we do here, so just drop me a line after that happens and we'll add you to the roster.

Just to avoid confusion, here are the instructions: How to Convert from Forum Subscriber to Full COG Membership

And here's where to Renew

Chip your picture of your Connie on it's side just isn't right, I get that uneasy feeling  :'(