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I have been converted


Big Wheel
Hi all,

I started out as a Honda guy. Loved my old '95 CB750 Nighthawk. However, it was not really a bike for the long haul, especially with my wife :). Tried out a Connie and was instantly hooked, took a while but finally upgraded and picked up the 2008 C14.
My neighbor happened to notice the new toy the other night and mention COG to me as he has a Concours himself.
I look forward to more "reasons" to get out there on it with more people (not that a reason is really needed to get out on it).
Its exciting to know there is such a large community for these amazing bikes and look forward to meeting more people out there!
Corey - Welcome to the world of the Concours. Come join us for some rides or other activities. You will soon be consumed with outfitting your bike with farkels. Before that happens be sure to check into upgrading your forum user status to that of COG member.
Congratulations! And your friend is right - you'll find no shortage of information and helpful advice on this site. Enjoy and happy riding!
I am already learning a lot by reading what others have done :).
Definitely am looking forward to some rides and activities. After I sold the Nighthawk last September, the itch was strong while watching everyone else out on their bikes this year, so I decided this was the year to get the Concours14 that had been tormenting me with its beauty for a couple years.

The C14 came with Two brothers Exhaust and Corbin seats already, so it has a good start.

Thanks again!