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Ian Coats fan info


Hi all, just got a message from Ian that he has been given an extra 6 months on his visa. He was worried about that. Landed in Fairbanks and has since ridden to Prudhoe Bay, and now has 142,645 miles on his 1992 Honda Africa Twin, which has almost all of it's origional parts still on. He's hoping that Honda will help him get the bike reconditioned for his ride to Siberia in Spring. He's happy that he's been to the southern most part of South America and now the northern most part of North America, and still seems anxious to start completeing his journey of 10 years. Will soon be heading to Vancover to wait out the Winter. I'm a bit sad that I wasn't able to catch up with him in Alaska this year, but happy that things are going well for him in his ride.
Way to go, Ian! He is a really cool "chap". Al, if you talk to him, give him my best and tell him I've learned to pronounce "Lagos"! Eddie Sanford, FL 2005 Concours 1969 Triumph Bonneville AMA# 686667 COG# 7073 CDA# 0136 http://picasaweb.google.com/Eddie753