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January 8 2012 Ride

S Smith

Northeast Area Director
Northeast area weather has been just spectacular. Not only we saving a bundle on heating costs, most of the past weekends have been comfortable to ride.  On short notice, a half dozen of the congregation members of the Church of 2 Wheels came from near and far to meet at the Wandering Moose Cafe, located near the covered bridge in West Cornwall.  After an excellent, filling breakfast, and throttling conversation, we departed in different directions. Myself along with COGers Scott & John directed ourselves north on RT7 to RT112 to RT44 west to Dutchess County NY. We blazed our way through several county roads in horse country between Pine Plains and Amenia before returning to CT through Sharon.
I decided to introduce Necia to Toymaker's.  Took the cage and, after a 2 hour journey, found they were closed and on vacation until 1/26. :-[  Stopped in at the Coffee and Chocolate place in Kent, had breakfast a few doors down, stopped at Kent Falls and then took Whitcome Hill Rd off Rt 7 to get back.  Can't wait to try that road on a bike.  Will be adding your breakfast place to my list places to eat.

Seems to me you're getting way too much riding in on your new C14. ;D
Never rode Whitcome Hill...  I'll have to try it next time Iin that area.  I usually take RT45 the whole way.
We were at Toymakers the week before and saw a sign that they were closing for their annual vacation.  sign was up.  Toymakers has good food, and a very relaxed atmosphere, and VERY motorcycle friendly.  Food at Wandering Moose is also very good, but slightly pricier than Toymakers.  It is in a great location next to the covered bridge. 
