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Kawasaki Demo Night


I went and took the 900RS for the demo ride and they took us on about a 10 mile trip basically the route I take going to work.
I’ve loved the retro look ever since they came out.
First thoughts were the bike is light as can be. About 476 pounds compared to my C-10 @ 200 lbs more.
My ‘82 KZ1000J weighted about 558.
My ‘83 GS1100ED was about 536.
Guess I’m used to big bikes.
Fuel injection makes a high difference with spot on feel. Pegs are little high for my 34” inseam. I know there’s lowerers out there.
Overall could be a fun bike but not for me. I’ve had my 2000 since ‘07 and have had other bikes but always kept her. It’s always tough for me to justify having 2 bikes and deciding which to ride. SWMBO didn’t have the issue, it was me.🫣
That and if I make 6 months of payments at $200 a month, that amounts to what I paid for mine.🤨
Good time and glad I went. Fun to take it for a ride and have no monthly payment.