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KLR diesel?


Mini Bike
What ever happened with the KLR diesel? Last thing I heard that Marines were supossed to be testing it out and that soon it was going to be on the market. Anyone have any better info?
Jay, this has been rumored to go public for 3 or 4 years now. Hayes Diversified Technologies Inc. had it coming out in 06, and all of us that were interested have given up any hope. There were a couple of the bikes at the Very Boring Rally in Duluth, MI a couple of years ago, and they caused quite a stir. The 100 MPG feature is pretty attractive, but the price will knock your socks off. Word has it that the company has all it can do to maintain it's contract quota with the military, so none are likely to trickle down to public for some time. Having said that, I'm still pretty happy with my 00 model that has 70K miles. I can buy a lot of fuel for the extra 6 or 7 thousand dollars the diesel would cost. Just a different engine in an already great bike. You'll get a lot more info from your entry into a search engine. Hope this helps.