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Last Chance for a 2009 Stock C14 Muffler *Gone to the Dump*


I have a stock 2009 muffler in like-new condition with the intermediate chrome pipe that I will sell very CHEAP. Make offer as it will be going out with the trash if nobody buys it. Shipping will of course be on the buyer. Tell me what you would like to pay for it plus shipping. I live in Florida. Thanks and hurry. It will not be available after the first week in May.  Thanks, Bob
AstroBob said:
I have a stock 2009 muffler in like-new condition with the intermediate chrome pipe that I will sell very CHEAP. Make offer as it will be going out with the trash if nobody buys it. Shipping will of course be on the buyer. Tell me what you would like to pay for it plus shipping. I live in Florida. Thanks and hurry. It will not be available after the first week in May. You can call me at 850-491-2222. Thanks, Bob

Why don't you just list it as free and let the taker pay shipping? That's what I did with mine, it beats just throwing it in the trash...
Well, Two reasons. 1. I paid $200 for a used 2010 muffler replacement. 2. The hassle of getting it boxed/shipped takes time which costs money. It only takes 30 seconds to carry it out to the street.

I will sell it very cheap but if nobody thinks it has any value, then the market has spoken and it is very easy to carry it to the curb ;)

I really would think that an OEM muffler system that was used for 1200 miles with connecting pipe would have some value to someone? Maybe not. By May 7th, we will have determined what the marketplace thinks? I hope that the moderators will leave this message up on this front page until then for best exposure and to possibly help a fellow COG owner obtain a part that is something like $900 at a stealer.

Thanks for your suggestions.

You might have better luck listing it on one of the marine forums as a boat anchor...  ;)

Just kidding bro, I agree with you on the point that there is most likely little demand for those, the shipping cost outweighs the value of that massive heavy potato launcher IMO...

When I gave mine away it felt better giving it to somebody in need than it would have been to just put it in a landfill...
Well, today is Wednesday May 2nd. If it does not sell by Sunday May 6th, it will become a landfill object. What a shame because I am sure some 2008-2009 Connie owner has a scratched pipe that they would love to replace for a nominal amount of money? Bob
Today is May 6th and the last day for someone who needs/wants a pristine 2009 muffler and pipe other than the header to come forward and make an offer. After today, it becomes landfill art :'(

My phone number is at the top of the ad. Call today or weep tomorrow :p

:-* :-* :-*
Those are the kisses of the beautiful boat anchor going into the trash.

Sale no longer available. Can be picked up at the Leon County dump :-\ :-\
With great sadness, my 2009 boat anchor, uh, I mean muffler, is going to another place that is not my garage. I protected it for 2 years and it is sad that noboby needed it but that is the way things are. Clear roads and clearer days for all. Bob