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Left side plastic window

Scary Harry

Fear is not boring. COG# 4090
On my 86 there is a small plastic window on the left side fairing for holding a business card, I guess. Has anybody found an alternative use for that, like a power accessory or CD player, or something? I though maybe a power socket or light source might be a good use for that rectangular hole.
See EMPORIUM on this forum. See post titled "LEFT SIDE COVER HOLE FILLER" by Charlie_Gary_Wa. This may help or may not; I thought it was a good idea. Ride safe,
Looks like this http://home.comcast.net/~slybones/Concours/images/IMGP3883.JPG 2003 Concours, 61K COG #6953 IBA 28004 http://home.comcast.net/~slybones/Concours/connieMain.htm
I put a copy of my insurance card in it. C K Roach Jr COG#9094 CDA# 0319 you cant lose what you never had 2005 Concour "Gold Rush" 1983 Suzuki GS750ES - Project 1983 Suzuki GL850 - Sold 1982 Suzuki GS650G - Sold
I have 2 spare clips of ammo for the Colt. That way the ammo is seperated from the Colt in the tank bag thereby defeating the concealed carry law.
I installed a Diebold Dollar bill changer in there, and it accepts $1,$5, $10, & $20 bills reliably, unfortunatly it only sucked the bills in, and did not give change, not to say I wanted change, actually I abhor change, and so, I stopped inserting bills....
Okay...fine. I get it. I'll install the farkle from hell and scare folks with it. It will remove fingers if poked at. I'll just ponder what gadget I can install to scare the most people.
MOB, I think we all have a bill changer like that. Motorcycle: Usually a shiny pile of plastic, metal and chrome, balanced on rubber, at which one throws copious quantity's of money in the hope of a few moments of pleasure. "If it hasn't killed me yet, it's runnin out of time" COG # 8062 AMA # 1084053 ROMA or Scarlet harlot acording to my wife
Especially if its a Bring Money in Wheel barrow. 2003 Concours, 61K COG #6953 IBA 28004 http://home.comcast.net/~slybones/Concours/connieMain.htm
I think I need to clarify, as Fred wrote: "Especially if its a Bring Money in Wheel barrow." Well, I think that needs to be: "Bring More money in a big Wheelbarrow". Now if we could just get beemer handling and suspension combined with "K" reliability and performance, well, we would have the "best of all". At least the best of all I have known and experienced. Now the C14 is getting very close to achieving just that, but here is the problem. I'm looking for a mini C14/C10 I no longer want a big heavy powerful bike. I want a multi-purpose bike in the 300-400 lb weight, a 600-800 cc engine, that can give me 65+ mpg all day long, and chain drive is OK. Ma "K", that is my wish and desire. I can't wait too long as I'm already a senior citizen. tcars John