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Link events to Google Calendar


Street Cruiser
This is my humble vote for a link to put COG events on my Google Calendar.  I've seen some club event calendars that will do it.  Would be nice if ours would do it, too.  Thx. :)
So here is the issue.

The Cogmos event calendar has the ability to take payments, distinguish between members and guests, it can control who can and can't post events. I can't see the Google calendar doing that for us can you?

Now if what your asking for is to have a button that downloads the events into your personal google calendar yes I could see that as being possible if Memberize open up their API to the events which they might.

Hope that helps explain...

Might be helpful if this humble servant O:) could download events that I have signed up for into MS Outlook as well, O Wonderful Master of the COGMOS...  :D

Hmm, catchy title that.  So much more than simply "Administrator", no? 

PS Thank you and the team for all your hard work in making the great improvements to this Forum!
Colin said:
Now if what your asking for is to have a button that downloads the events into your personal google calendar yes I could see that as being possible if Memberize open up their API to the events which they might.
Hope that helps explain..
Exactly.  Thanks also for all the crap you put up with to keep us whiners happy. 8)
Volcantour said:
Might be helpful if this humble servant O:) could download events that I have signed up for into MS Outlook as well, O Wonderful Master of the COGMOS...  :D

Go to the Event Calendar, scroll to the bottom of the page, look for links to download event calendar in Word or Outlook format.

Then sync Outlook calendar and Google calendar using a download available from Google.

Steve's the man. He starts giving me instuctions for this computer stuff and I'm lost in seconds!  :))
Cap'n Bob said:
Steve's the man. He starts giving me instuctions for this computer stuff and I'm lost in seconds!  :))

That's me... confusion at the speed of sound.
S Smith said:
Go to the Event Calendar, scroll to the bottom of the page, look for links to download event calendar in Word or Outlook format.

Then sync Outlook calendar and Google calendar using a download available from Google.

If my 'puter spits up, I hope you can fix it, too.  Will give this a try.  Thx. :))