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Long Riders Digital Scavenger Hunt 2011 Ride Report

Nice report.  I think about doing a rally like this and then I think... I just want to enjoy my ride and not make it into a contest.  It sounds like you enjoy it and that is all that matters.  I enjoy reading about it.
You can easily make it a fun ride.  Just pick a few places you really want to see and go.  Most of the places the rally masters pick are very unusual, or historical.  And many you would never know existed if it weren't for the rally.  Give one a shot.  You may get hooked.

That was the first time I did that Rally.  I recommend it to anyone here that would like to try a rally that is made for novices and pro's alike.  Friends of ours (Vinnie and Joy) who never did a rally before did this rally and not only won it but crushed the experienced rally riders.  My wife and I ended up in the top 15.

It's held every year in November and starts in Dade City FL.  I'm sure Miles or I will let you know when it comes up next year and hopefully get some more COG members.
