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Looking for my CDA#


COG# 9127 CDA# 560
Pulled into a parking space yesterday and pulled between two trucks. Had my bars cranked left (first mistake). Don't know what I did - think I was adjusting the weight from left to right foot and over she went. I should have straightened the bars first and would have been ok. Laid down very gently - no damage. Was able to get it back up. I was wondering why there wasn't even a scratch on the plastics. Later I looked at my newly installed AST highway pegs and there were two small marks on the points of the pivots. That held the bike up enough so no damage and I could lift it myself. Lucky!

Number please.... :-[
Don't forget the glossy 8 x 10 photos They make you fill out the form again if the pics aren't included  :mad:
Diz said:
Don't forget the glossy 8 x 10 photos They make you fill out the form again if the pics aren't included  :mad:

I'll get Arlo Guthrie to do that with circles and arrows and a  paragraph on the back explaining what each one was.
I don't think anyone has issued a new CDA since 2015.  I guess no one is stepping up to do it anymore.

We could have self issue where you just pick the next number in line and post to that thread that you have that number.  Trouble is all the people that don't bother to read the rules and grab a number they do not deserve...  yet :)
The COG store has CDA sew-on patches available for you to PROUDLY wear on your jacket or whatever you choose.
CDA, while never a formal COG program has become a prized tradition... particularly amongst those of us prone to lowering our standards (and our bikes) to ground level.  Indeed it is true there is no one currently, or in the recent past, issuing the numbers.  Once upon a time there was a thread with a continuously running list started by Greg Habel ( http://forum.cog-online.org/connie-droppers-anonymous/connie-droppers-anonymous-awards/ ) but the entire section seems to have fallen into disarray and is in need of some serious love to attempt to catch it up and maintain it once again.  Is anyone interested in trying to take on this challenge.  Undoubtedly, those of us who are kickstand challenged, those who dabbed on uneven or slick ground, or those who have unwittingly found areas of intensified gravity would be momentarily grateful.

Yep, patches are available in the COG store.  But no numbers come with them, only a satisfying credit card charge that further testifies to our credit-worthiness and sillyness at willfully and proudly bearing these scarlet letters.  Would you like to be the guy/gal to get the first snicker er... opportunity to offer condolences every time a comrade confesses that  nearly all have dropped and fallen short of the glory of pristine plastics and intact footpegs?  Yes, just think... you could be the person responsible for welcoming newcomers to the CDA as well as we repeat up-enders. 

If this sounds like the job for you (remember, like all COG positions, it pays double salary for overtime and holidays) let me know.  I will be happy to wish you good luck and Godspeed and announce your ridiculous aspiration to the COGdom.

And, BTW,  Steve Smith needs a CDA number too, when you get around to it, for a flawless performance of the ever tricky, show (and traffic) stopping "Convenience Store Gas Station Drop and Tumble w/Somersault" maneuver during the recent National Rally in Kerrville. 
Didn't realize you just volunteered didja?  ;)

It's my understanding they're issued in order of occurence, so
now you have to go back 3 years, and issue all previous numbers,

I'll patiently wait for mine.  :great:
