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Looking to take my son with me on the bike


His age is 9, he more than touches the pegs with knees bent and is EXTREMELY strong and self aware. I know in Maine I dont see any "legal" age as it's more parental discretion... he has to wear a helmet ( my rules, but also state law ) as well as jeans, boots, and gloves... Im having trouble finding a good jacket so he may wear a CarHart jacket or some other heavy material.  I am also considering putting a backrest on ( to secure him from sliding off the back ) and putting a vest on that has handles for him to hold. I was curious as to what others thoughts, concerns tips and tricks are?  I rode when I was about his age with my grandfather and remembering the feel, the thrill, the sights and sounds and enjoying every second of it.
I've taken both my daughter ( now 21 ) and my son ( now 16 ) with me on the bike since they were 7 or 8. All be it on my old Honda CB650 a much smaller bike but same concept. I did make sure I had a back rest, good basic gear, good education as far as what to do and not to do. One thing my 16yo had a habit of doing was falling asleep on the back of the bike. Not even really long trips either. So making sure they stay awake is always a good plan. Ha. My youngest son is now 7 and next year he will start going on the bike.
A good way to get protected gear for him is use armor for dirt riding, like the chest protectors and other protectors. :great:
kawcon14rider said:
A good way to get protected gear for him is use armor for dirt riding, like the chest protectors and other protectors. :great:

GOOD IDEA!!! We took him to the local stealership this weekend to test fit him a helmet ( M in youth, XS in adult ) he had no idea why, we told him in case he goes snowmobiling with his grandparents LOL... he's been begging me for years... merry xmas little buddy.
You could also get him Motocross Pants that have padding in hips and knees, and reinforced material in seat and those places as well.  Sturdier and more protection than jeans if you were to have to bail or go down for some reason.  At that age, it is hard to find street gear, but kids motocross gear is a dime a dozen.
My daughter (now 14 yo) has been riding with me 2 years on my C14.  She is quite tall, closing in on 6 feet now.  My neighbors gave me a Triumph riding suit that did not fit anyone in their house.  She happily wears the suit and a full face helmet every ride.  So far, her rides have been only day rides, but  hope to change that next year. 

Her only request was for a backrest.  Not so much to lean on, but for for a feeling of security.  I picked up a rack & rest from the forums & she loves it.  I do take the rest off when she is not riding.  I don't care for the looks of the bike with the rest on, and I do frequently kick it when swinging my leg over if I leave it on. 

My sons started riding with me when they were 6 or 7yo.
I think it's important to be able to converse with the
passenger so I highly reccommend some type of
intercom; either wired or Bluetooth.

I also tried to break up longer trips by stopping at
interesting POIs we came upon.
My boys were fairly tall but they've both been riding behind me.  The older one was already 14 when I got by first "midlife crisis" bike in 2000 but the little one was just seven.  Gear came from motocross; all sorts of great gear in kids' sizes.  They had a great time; we've been on out-of-state overnight camping trips and everything.  I have both wonderful memories and pictures!
+1 on taking your kid out riding. I took my son on rides starting in elementary school. XS stuff fit him then, but as with all attire for kids, it was amazing how fast he grew out of it.

I put a backrest on the Connie, more for a sense of security than anything else and as with all two-up riding I moderated my pace to make it comfortable. He definitely enjoyed showing up at school on the back of the bike.

Have fun.
Glad others are doing that as well. My son turned 9 this summer and I started taking him for short rides. First thing I realized is that gear for a 9 year old is impossible to find, unless you go motocross. LOTS of selection for kids, unbelievable. Colors are pretty flashy, albeit if you stick to black/white colors, you are ok. I believe it ATGATT = All The Gear, All The Time. Too many stories about 5 mins trips that end up with lost skin. And in all those stories, 2 things are in common all the time. 1) It could not be avoided, 2) It happened at the blink of an eye. So when it came to my kid, no chances...so I applaude you for taking care of children !  :great: :great:

What really helped me with my emotional security was that I bought a givi E55 top case with the backrest. So I always use that when carrying my boy or my wife. Gives myself and them peace of mind of not getting thrown off. It might be something for you to think about. Plus, when he/she takes off the gear, easy storage (not that the side cases are inadequate or anything).

Oh as far as laws go, here in Montreal, Quebec, Canada...the only law requirement is that the legs are long enough to reach the pegs irrespective of age.

Ride safe...and ATGATT !  ;)
I think for the pillions, a backrest on the Connie is a necessity.My daughter still to this day loves to ride on the back! She started at age 9 and is 23 now and still asks to go for a ride when she visits. The battle between mom & daughter begins!