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Magnetic Tank Bag

Dr Tom

Wondering if anyone is using the magnetic Cortech tank bag?  Concerned that the large black plastic on the front of the tank will be where the front magnets need to attach...I've got a 2015.

Would consider a lock ring bag but I will only use it for touring and don't want to see the ring the rest of the time.

forgot to mention that I also have techspec snakeskin on the tank...front and sides..will that interfere with the magnetic grip?

Don't know about the Cortech bag but I have a TourMaster magnetic bag and it stays real secure (and I have the  Techspec Snakeskins also).  Of course the magnets in the Tourmaster bag are on both sides of the base.
I have a Cortech magnetic bag that I use on my 08' and it works fine and that is including the TechSpec pads. If you would like I could take a pic of it tonight on and post it.

*When I say I have a Cortech bag, it is 6 or 8 years old so it may not be the same as what you are looking at.
Welcome Dr Tom!

I use the Cortech Super 2.0 18l magnetic tank bag. 
There are 8 magnets in the bottom, 4 in the main part and 2 in each wing/flap. 
6 out of the 8 magnets grip the tank.  It doesn't move.  There is no wind force on it.
Here is a picture (from the Picture Game thread) that shows the bag pretty good. 

Buy some clear  3M paint guard and put it where the magnets rub on the tank to prevent the paint from getting scratched up.
It cheap to buy.
I have a Cortech mag tank bag and it works fine without any protective film.
2 1/2 yr.    I just hand wipe the tank surface clear in morning if I'm on a trip.
Here is a shot of my Tourmaster bag. it ties in the front and has two strong magnets in the rear. Very stable.


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