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Meet and Greet - Boylston Lodge, West Boylston MA 5/4/13 11:30 am lunch


Now that I am a full fledged COG Member (#10790) I thought that I would post this up here.  :)

I hope that some of my COG friends can make this. Those that do not know me, my name is Ed and I ride often with New England Riders. I know many of you from that site and have really enjoyed riding with you.

This RTE will include other bikes - many FJRs, STs, BMWs, Wings etc. There is always a good amount of C14s & C10s. Everyone is super nice and I will be sure to show you around so that you do not feel out of place. There will be a relaxed Ice Cream Ride after the Meet and Greet for those so inclined. The ride will be broken up into small groups. Each group will have CBs and GPS so everyone can spread way out for safety. I hope to see you there.

Spring Meet & Greet
Saturday, May 4th 2013 (Rain or shine)
Boylston Lodge
12 Church Street, West Boylston, MA 01583

GoogleMap: http://g.co/maps/fuvyd
Mapsource GPS file: http://tinyurl.com/d46gz4w
Webpage: http://www.newenglandriders.org/MeetAndGreet.htm

Two hot dogs, potato salad and a drink.
$5 donation to help pay for the Lodge and the food.

Come kick off the riding season with fellow riders. Meet other riders, talk motorcycles, and have some quality hot dogs.
And you can be sure some of us will go on a short 2 hour ice cream ride to Rota Spring Farm after the Meet and Greet. Please join us.

There is plenty of pavement parking and some dirt parking as well so bring a kick stand plate just in case. We will have indoor seating for 50+ and if its nice you can sit outside.

We look forward to seeing you.

Some photo's from last year are here:
Ed, if we weren't at the COG Camping event in East Bridgewater MA this weekend we would be joining you.  Hope to ride with you sometime this year.
I'd like that. Let's get together soon.

Greg Habel said:
Ed, if we weren't at the COG Camping event in East Bridgewater MA this weekend we would be joining you.  Hope to ride with you sometime this year.
It was great to see so many C14s and C10s at the Meet and Greet! We had 150 bikes, a very friendly group, and perfect weather.

The Ice Cream Ride was a smashing success. There were 75 bikes broken down into small groups according to the pace desired by each rider. Everyone arrived at Rota Spring Farm for ice cream with a huge smile.

Thanks to those from COG and COG Facebook for coming by.
