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Mich tech day May 16

Gil F.

I am hosting a tech day at my home on May 16, it is listed on the calendar but I thought that I would add a little info. I am located at 408 Theo Ave. Lansing, Michigan Ph,(517)323-2209 e-mail gilfue01@comcast.net this is outside the city limits of Lansing on the west side near the Lansing mall and Meijer's. The Harbor Freight store is 2 blocks away. I have the HF tire changer, mojo tire tool and balancer, craftsman bike jack and probably any hand tool that we would need. I use the homemade carb sync tool so if anyone wanted to bring something better that would be good. If I knew what people wanted to do I could try to set up for it so let me know. We will provide food- probably burgers, brats,dogs or something along those lines. We can provide sleeping space if anyone wants to stay the night before or after. I have never even been to a tech day so we are very open to suggestons. Deb rides and will take part so this is not a guys only event. Hope to see you there Gil F.
Local weather forecasters are calling for t-storms friday night and clearing early Saturday morning so we plan on having the tech day as planned. any questions call home (517) 323-2209 cell (517) 582-2209 e-mail gilfue01@comcast.net Ride safe Gil