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Mid ride flat on a cruiser


My wife and I ride together, separate bikes. I am putting together a basic flat repair kit for each bike. The connie is easy enough, plug kit and a pump. The wife's bike poses some questions, though. It has tube type tires, so levers and a patch kit would be in order. My problem with her bike having a flat on the road in the lack of a center stand, any ideas or suggestions?  A flat on her bike would almost certainly require the removal  of the wheel, and with no center stand, even at home this would be a challenge as I don't own a bike lift.
I have a swing arm rear stand from Harbor Freight Item #66192 $39.99 and the front fork adapter item#65621 $9.99 for use at home. I have used it by itself but like to secure the bike in a wheel chock for additional safety. I never had to use it when we had the S-50 but I think that it will work;we have used it several times on the wife's F650gs. I also own a KLR650 and have installed a centerstand but some of the riders on the klr650.com forum make a jack that they carry with them. I think that one of the vendors on the site sells a version of it.
Ride safe
I do not have to deal with this but my first impression is carry a can of spray in stuff.  Only use it if the hole seems small.  If it does not save you then carry a credit card and towing service.
Those were pretty much the only ideas I could come up with too. I hate the idea of Slime or similar products, but at least it would be contained in the tube, not slopped all over the inside of the wheel. We are not currently members of any road service, but we are COG members  :D. Someone posted on the Fanatics forum about RVnet, and I was considering that, especially as we have a trip to Florida from Upstate NY planned this February. I saw the Slime tire repair kit in Wal-Mart this morning, I like the pump that it comes with, nice and compact. I would still carry and use plugs for the Connie.
I don't know how you feel about the AMA but if you sign up for automatic renewal it gets you road service which covers all your vehicles.
After experiencing a flat on a tube-type tire at 60mph I am not ever going to ride on a temporary fix; there will be an new tube in the tire before I get back on the bike.
I think you have to have an RV to joint the RVNet one. I have that one because I have an RV and like the fact its designed around towing both the truck and the trailer when something happens. Many non RV oriented ones would tow my truck and charge me big $$$ on the trailer. Like I am just supposed to leave it in the side the road or something. -- Covering both the M/C's is a bonus. I think if I was interested in M/C only coverage I might look into something else.
Sorry, I thought I mentioned the planned Florida trip was towing the camper (looking back, obviously I didn't).  RVnet is looking good for all of the vehicles I would be interested in covering. As far as the temporary fix, I appreciate the insight, this is my wife's bike  after all.