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Minnesota to Yellowstone and back

Nice. Looks like a great trip, Joe. Did you happen to run across a group of Goldwing riders in the Beartooth area? A buddy of mine was up there with some of the SF Bay Area GWRRA members about then. He mentioned butt puckering snow over the pass - as he said, "I was out of my comfort zone."  :D
I must have missed them, I saw a few Harleys coming over the other way (north to south) and that was about all - there wasn't a lot of traffic of any kind on the Beartooth that day.  I think the weather over the pass looked a lot scarier that it actually was, the roads were fine, although wet.  In retrospect, it was a lot of fun trying to outride the storm coming in, and even though it caught me anyway, it didn't give me any actual trouble.  It might have helped that I was riding very, very carefully in the corners (of which there were many, of course).
Yellowstone is a superlative destination and worthy of a ride destination. Great pics and journey narrative!

I would recommend a four or five day visit to YNP on a Yellowstone Association field trip.


If you are interested in the geology and supervolcano, the Association has a Field Seminar with Dr. Josh Lowenstern, the Scientist in Charge of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory.

Josh is a superlative teacher and elucidates the supervolcano to the layman and geologist with his field seminar.


This is supreme twisties of the mind!!!!!! Well worth the time and money!
