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Motorcycle Fails

BrianD said:
Lot's of dumb-azzes in there.  I love the one that drops his bike onto the boat! :D

That one was discussed here (or on the other forum) a while back - and the consensus was that it was staged...

Not sure whether that makes it better or worse...

I like the guy sitting at the stop light on his MC with an axe which he then uses to threaten the cager honking at him. No way that was staged...

Most of these were caused by the riders either riding where they shouldn't be and/or going way too fast. Some were caused by cagers, mostly rear-ending bikes, although there were a few side-swipes.

They guy riding the MC that was waaaaay to tall for him was the most hilarious though.
Poor guy at 4:30....he was actually kinda minding his business and dowwwwnnnnn he goes....I couldnt really tell, was that gravel?
Looked like some kind of fluid, maybe diesel fuel. I used to drive a truck and one day I went for a wild ride on an off ramp that reeked of diesel fuel, and I can imagine how it happened as that same truck once blew the gasket on the fuel filter and it laid down a major slick before I realized what happened. Hope there were no bikes behind me.
My favorite was the small car "chasing" the scooter and rear-ending a parked car while Scooter Guy gets away! haha

Notable mention - guy riding on side of road in dirt/puddles...as soon as I saw the RR tracks I knew what was coming. Surprising to seem him get over the first set!

Re: FJR? into the water...I can't see that being staged - more like just chance (camera on boat - everyone has a cam in their pocket these days, and some people live on their boats) and rider taking silly risks. No way would I ride that close to the water.

RE: Too Tall - the bike doesn't look too tall for that rider (maybe slightly, no worse than my C10 is for me, and she weighs in at 700lbs!). Looked similar to a Ninja 250. Notice he couldn't even stand it up, and on second try totally failed. I'm guessin he was pretty lit. I mean, it's not like he was a short dude weighing 135 lbs!

Re: Mr. 4:30 down the exit ramp... the line of stuff in the road is visible in the video, AND he was riding dead in the middle of the lane. Sorry to see him go down like that, but he ignored clear signs of risky traction ahead.

Of course, I'm a chicken-sh*t out there - been down once nearly 30 years ago, in pain every day today from that accident...I don't want a repeat that will be much harder to recover from.

Yep, most of these are riders fault, some could've easily avoided/prevented their wrecks, while a few would be justified in wielding that axe!
Thud300 said:
Quite a few "Crazy Ivan" cagers there.  :loco:

Isn't that kinda redundant?  (Cager/Crazy Ivan) :))

Yea, as much as we complain about bad drivers here, it seems much of the world is far worse- lane markers are just suggestions, and traffic lights are indicators of which way the danger is coming.
JimBob said:
Re: FJR? into the water...I can't see that being staged - more like just chance (camera on boat - everyone has a cam in their pocket these days, and some people live on their boats) and rider taking silly risks. No way would I ride that close to the water.

The FJR wasn't staged as a phony crash.  It was staged as a picturesque backdrop for a a motorcycle story about 2 years ago.  The journalist was borrowing the bike for a story and was winding it around the docks for the story.  Being less familiar with the bike, he wasn't as cautious with the width of the rear panniers as he should have been.  He hooked a pannier, and down he went.

Multiple stories out there, here's one:
