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Mount tire, 5hr struggle then 20 minutes done with cable ties.


.It has been a cold day and I struggled 5 hours without success.I have been trying to pry the second bead of a new tire over the rim.

I started watching Youtube videos for "motorcycle tire repair" . One of the home repair strategies is to pinch the tire with zip ties. 

I modified the idea, using  4 zip ties spaced about 6 inches apart. It was actually 8 11" zip ties, doubled up. The zip ties held the two inner beads of the tire tightly together. That section of the tire now easily dropped into the root of the rim. With the zip ties holding the beads, then I could use the tire irons and lever the bead over the rim edge without the other side of the tire popping out from the tension created by the levering.

For me, each tire change seems to have a personality of it's own. I am very happy that a few dollars worth of cable ties was at least as effective as a tire mounting machine that I don't have.

For the next time I change tires, I am going to get some 24" and 16" cable ties. A handy solution for when the tire changing fates are not quite blowing my way.
If you have a Harbor Freight store nearby, they sell packages of zip ties for a really cheap price.

Thanks for the post.  I am really really seriously thinking of doing my own tires next time instead of paying the dealership.  Watching one of the members at the Bun Cooler change his last year in the parking lot, convinced me that I really could do this myself.  And then the dealership raised their prices and my cheap soul said no more.

"its been a cold day"    cold is your enemy heat is your friend when it comes to tire changing. next time i do it i'm gonna try the plastic bag method i read about on this forum.