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Mt hood loop ride


I ask anyone who is on board for the Mt hood loop ride to please watch the weather, and the cog calendar. Right now the weather does not look that bad. I have been watching the weather like a hawk, along with all news channels, and I am hoping for a GO. If I see some bad weather headed our way that I don't think we can avoid, I will cancel the ride around 12:01 am Sept 8th.
Sucks that the weather got worse the further east we went. It was great meeting everyone. Hope to meet up with you all again in the future, official ride or not.

Breakfast was good at least,

robertv said:
How was the ride? Any pics to share and post? Hoping to do this ride next year!

Didn't get to far up HWY 14 before we got rained out. Rain was heading east as were we. So the ride got scrapped. I am looking forward to going on this ride to completion as well. Maybe next year we move it up a month to get some better weather. Or hope that it doesn't rain again next September.