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Mt. Kearsarge, New Hampshire

Well, I decided to venture out on my own for a trip up a little mountain off I-89 in central New Hampshire. Mt. Kearsarge is located in Rollins State park and has an auto road (toll) to within 1/2 mile of the summit. To get there, take either exit 8 or 9 off I-89 (9 if you need gas) and follow the signs to Rollins State Park. In the center of town, there's a little restaurant called the Foothills which serves breakfast and lunch. It's a gem. Leaving the center of town, follow the signs to Rollins SP and continue out that road about 6 miles. Watch out for sand in the road as sometimes water washes over and leaves a mess. The toll is $4 and the road up the mountain was just paved in 2008. It's about 15 feet wide most of the way up. It's 3.9 miles to the parking lot. There are lots of curves and little places to stop along the road. The park entrance:
At one of the little turnouts:
At the parking lot / trail entrance:
Along the hiking trail:
One of several picnic areas:
At the summit with microwave towers and picnic area shown:
One of many spectacular views:
It was quite a day, and I was able to take a mix of highways and back roads back to the coast, where I took this sunset shot of my new Connie at the beach in Rye, NH. Not bad for one day's ride....
Brian, thanks for sharing. Nice pictures. Glad you are enjoying your recent purchase. Greg H from Mass, Connie Droppers Anonymous Awards Dude COG# 7010,a Tracey CDA 120 (2.0) 99 Connie "Herrin Christabelle", 05 Ninja 250
Very nice. I'll have to check this out on my yearly Vermont/New Hampshire trip. Bionic Bob COG & AMA member First C14 CDA member #0220 2008 C14 & 2003 Mean Streak