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Mt Ranier, Chinook Pass, White Pass route


COG 2877
**  modify : met one C10 two up on the eastside of hwy 410 ****

Riding today! ;)
Chinook Pass opened up last week.
A little soggy going over the west side. Dried up.. on the dry side!
Returned over White Pass. 558 miles.
Saw one large Elk butt. Head down in ditch munching.  :25:

I ewnt over last Monday, then did Yakima canyon, Blewett, Stevens. Some tall snow banks. I saw a large chunk roll down(10 feet+) once on the hairpin on North Cascades. I was wondering if some chunks would fall riding by. How is Trout Lake and St. Helen's area doing? They have ice cream in Trout Lake. That or the Ape caves.