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My Messages

log out and then back in again with your login time set to forever Shepcam.
Shepcam is cool  :great: :great: :great:
Patrick -  Take a look at the menu where it says My Messages
Which one of these does it look more like?
1) My Messages
2) My Messages[1]

I've noticed that it does that when it thinks that one of your messages is unread.
you might want to click on each of them, and let them pop up so they get marked as read.

Shepcam said:
Number 2.  I have logged out and in several times and still get the pop up. Weird, huh?

My Messages[1] indicates you have 1 unread message (the number could be different if you have more messages or missing for none)

As Mike stated - the system will provide a pop up notification whenever there are unread personal messages. To stop this, the message must be marked "read" by opening it up. Click on My Messages -> Read Message, and open up the unread message there.

Thanks... A picture is worth a thousand words.
Mike - this may be in your DB court.

i saw in the DB it was showing 1 unread message, but i couldn't track down where the message was (apparently neither could the forum)
a quick repair/ reoptimize / recount on the DB and it's not showing anymore.
so you should be good.
