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My Shoodaben Mountain Runner Premium ECU Flash experience

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I am the original owner of a 2012 Concours. This may sound silly, I didn't know much about ECU flash until recently when I met a COGs veteran. This led me to do some research, and I shortlisted Shoodaben Engineering. Before initiating the transaction, I emailed Steve with questions. To my surprise he called me, and we chatted for a while. He answered all the questions. I shipped the ECU out through UPS on Tuesday, and paid for express priority for the return shipment. I had the ECU in hand on Friday. I took it out on Sunday on a twisty ride in the Washington mountains. It was a 150-miles trip.

Here is my experience:
1. RPM stays steady at 1100 at idle

2. The ECO indicator is ON constantly (i think). Not sure it's good or bad. But, I got better mileage of 47 mpg. By no means, I am not a gentle touring rider. I take-off when I get a chance, however brief it can be. That's why I am a sports-tourer.

3. I generally felt that Concours have the least amount of vibration. However, after the ecu flash I felt vibration reduced further. I can't explain it, but Steve can explain whether it has any connection to vibration reduction.

4. The Maximum speed I hit in this trip is 115mph, and I was reaching it without any struggle. There was power at every throttle range. Steve can explain how he manages to do that. Prior to that, there was a range where throttle was sluggish and not super responsive. Not sure if you have felt the same with your concours (non-flashed).

5. Here is the best part– Engine braking. Always, I rely on Engine braking. I can't think of not having engine braking in my motorcycles ever. Prior to the flash, when I closed down the throttle, it had an abrupt feel to it. Helmets bumped with pillion rider. After the flash, it's so... smooth and sweet that it's hard to explain the excitement!

Hope this experience helps you if you are wondering about Shoodaben Engineering.

Also, I would like to thank Steve for his help!
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