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My son went down hard today...

Gerry B

Mini Bike
For those of you that know him, my (step)son John (Johnny) Griffin took a nasty high side today while out riding with me near Barkhampstead reservoir.  We were riding a nice twisty road that runs along the side of Lake McDonough when I looked back in my mirror to see how he was doing... He never came around the bend.  My heart skipped two beats as I did an emergency u turn.  In my haste I dropped my bike and broke off my left bag.  I strapped it back and rode back only to find him on the side of the road surrounded by kind folks.  who had already called the ambulance. He didn't quite make the turn, hit the pine needles and gravel on the side of the road flew off the bike and hit the guard rail hard with his body.  Thankfully he was wearing all his gear. At this point, he has a compound fracture of his left arm below the elbow and a badly broken shoulder. The first hospital they took him to, Charlotte Hungerford in Torrington, ran some x-rays and immediately had him transported to Hartford Hospital. He's going to be in surgery all night to hopefully repair his shoulder and arm.  Keep him in your prayers.

              Very sorry to hear this, hope Johnny is going to be ok. Keep Lorie and I posted and as always if you guys need anything just call.

Damn G-man...

I don't think there's a new smiley that gonna cover this...
You guys will be in my thoughts...
Sorry to hear this. From your description it sounds like things could have been much worse. Send our best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Lord, I ask for your guidance and touch for the doctors. Make known all they need to do. Bring any hidden thing to light. I ask for peace for the family and safe travels to support their son. I ask for your touch on Johnny's body as he recovers. As alway, I ask these things the only way possible for me, in Jesus name..

Really sorry to hear that, I hope all goes as well as it possibly can in the circumstances and he has a full and speedy recovery!
Perhaps I need to find a "get well soon smiley!"

Wish Johnny and the family the best in recovery.
Testament to ATGATT. Somebody was a good example and teacher.

        This is terrible to hear. I hope Johnny comes out of this alright. High sides are absolutly unbelievably violent. I've been there right down to the guardrail. And it's something I never want to go through again. When it's all said and done. Hopefully he will recover fully. The elbow really concerns me, for obvious reasons. My thoughts are with Johnny, and the whole family. If there's anything I can do to help, give me a call. Hopefully God will watch over him!

Gerry & Johnny,

So sorry to hear about this accident, Sher & I wish you all the best during this
difficult time and of course wish Johnny a full and speedy recovery.
Let us know if we can help in any way.

Saw Johnny last night, spirits are good and he has mom taking care of him :)
Surgery on shoulder today, hope all went as well as can be.
Best to you Johnny~
Lorwoman said:
Saw Johnny last night, spirits are good and he has mom taking care of him :)
Surgery on shoulder today, hope all went as well as can be.
Best to you Johnny~

Thanks for the update Lori!  :25:
Hello folks. Good news! Johnny had his shoulder operated on and the doctor decided to rebuild it rather than replace it. By doing this he will get the best range  of motion and strongest fix. He may be released tomorrow! It will be a long recovery and rehab time.  Your hopes and prayers have been very much appreciated and answered. Thanks much!
Tracey and I wish Johnny a swift recovery.  We're glad he is on the mend.  :)
The fact that you were there probably gave him a feeling of comfort; being with a family member.
Good to hear positive news.  I'd bet a beer or two he's on a bike by the end of the summer, just that maybe you and his mom might not know about it.
Gerry B? said:
Hello folks. Good news! Johnny had his shoulder operated on and the doctor decided to rebuild it rather than replace it. By doing this he will get the best range  of motion and strongest fix. He may be released tomorrow! It will be a long recovery and rehab time.  Your hopes and prayers have been very much appreciated and answered. Thanks much!



Thanks great news to hear Johnny will be out soon. The road to recovery might seem to be a long one, but he is young and strong and I am sure impatient so make sure he knows that this might take a little while, but he will get back up to speed soon enough.
Here's hoping for a full recovery, from the father of a son who also rides, and who worries about him all the time.


My heart and prayers for a speedy recovery go out to your son.  Tho things may seem dark, time heals all wounds.  Tell you son to be patient with himself, don't rush recovery and follow the Dr and physical therapists advice.

Any accident you can walk away from and talk about isn't all that bad.  Glad it wasn't worse.
My heart aches for you, your family, and your son.  I know the pain he will edure during recovery, and want him to know it is only pain. He will recover in time, and forget the pain.

Well folks, thanks for all the good wishes. Johnny is on the mend.  He'll be out of commission for at least 3 months. I'm not talking riding. That will be a lot longer...  He's doing well, and I'll pass along the well wishes. 

Hi Gerry,

Glad to hear things are moving along and that Johnny is on the mend. I'm still hoping
to see you at tech day even if it's only for a quick visit and lunch.