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Nankang Roadiac WF-1


I have been reading mixed reviews on this new Taiwanese tire. I read that they now own molds, patents, etc from Yokohama when they manufactured motorcycle tires! Has anyone installed a set on their C14 and if so I would be interested in any comments/opinions!

Can you even find them in this country?  Since Nankang pulled out of the DOT market in the US a couple of years ago...that might be a challenge...I also thought Shinko had all of Yokohama's motorcycle technology...just working from memory, here...
To be honest, I can't remember if I've ever heard of them. But this is interesting. I am curious to hear feedback as well.
I went ahead and ordered a set on ebay from a company in California called Tireco Inc. Found a few reviews that sounded positive so I guess I will have to mount them up and see how they do. I will post my opinions and thoughts after a few thousand miles of riding!