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Need/Want Roommates at the 2024 National in WV


I've made my reservation at the Flatwoods Days Inn, the room has 2 beds and a balcony.
I am looking for someone to share the costs, 4 nights, Mon 8/12 to Friday 8/16,
The total will be $404 + taxes, probably about $450 total, half about $225.
My email - stevenpeck537@yahoo.com.
If you have a room with extra bed(s) and are looking for some one to share costs...
You haven't got a room yet, but are looking/willing to share expenses with someone that has an extra bed...

Start a message here and see if you all can help each other out.

Keep in mind, that after the initial contact you cans use Conversation DM's, email, or phone calls to keep your negotiations private.
Still open for assistance? Fellow snoree
Hi Tom, I have a room booked for the COG National.
I've made my reservation at the Flatwoods Days Inn, the room has 2 beds and a balcony.
I am looking for someone to share the costs, 4 nights, Mon 8/12 to Friday 8/16,
The total will be $404 + taxes, probably about $450 total, half about $225.
My email - stevenpeck537@yahoo.com

Let me know if you want to share with me.
I don't smoke, I use a CPAC machine that is very quiet.

Hi Tom, I have a room booked for the COG National.
I've made my reservation at the Flatwoods Days Inn, the room has 2 beds and a balcony.
I am looking for someone to share the costs, 4 nights, Mon 8/12 to Friday 8/16,
The total will be $404 + taxes, probably about $450 total, half about $225.
My email - stevenpeck537@yahoo.com

Let me know if you want to share with me.
I don't smoke, I use a CPAC machine that is very quiet.

Thanks for the offer but found a roommate just this weekend! Will remove my name from the forum page ASAP.