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New Connie owner, i mean new old Connie owner


Road Bike
Well I am the ripe age of 31 and decided that if I ever wanted to ride a bike with my wife I had better not buy another sport bike. So the Connie ended up with a new home. I am married to my high school sweetheart and we have a great son and a yellow lab named Josie. I am a crane operator for a large construction company that builds bridges, schools, nuclear reactors and other important stuff. I am an avid deer hunter and snowmobiler. I was involved in a near fatal snowmobile accident last year and a month later all beat up and hurting I was back on the saddle. That kind of represents my personality. I have always made life work. My family is the most important and dearly loved by me. My friends have been picked carefully and are also very close to me. All in all I love life more everyday and get a charge from camaraderie and teamwork. I look forward to owning my ole Connie for a long long time. She is in real good shape and will be responsible for chauffeuring me to many places I'd like to see. So far my interaction on this site has been great and really seems to be many very good people who own a Concours.
Welcome from New York as well. Although I see your north of me. You seem a lot like most people on here.  :welcome:
Welcome to the COG forum. I hope sometime you will come out to sample a COG rally, ride, or other gathering.  (our fall rally is coming up this month in Lake George) The camaraderie within the club is awesome. It's been said that at a COG event you will hang out with many friends you have never met before. If you like us, maybe you will become a full member and even host some type of activity in the your region. It's a great way to meet more like minded connie owners.

Thanks guys. I am trying to plan the Lake George rally. I would love to make it. I do look forward to meeting all my new cog friends!! :beerchug: