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New Denim Shirts in COG Store

Gypsy JR

We have new denim shirts in the COG store. They are dark blue instead of the normal light blue style.

I have to inventory the two boxes of them, but there should be a range of common sizes for both men and women.

My question is, should I get the vendor to send the "old" light denim color shirts instead, or switch to the darker (navy) blue color?

I will take a picture soon and put the new ones in the online store. Just picture the denim shirts shown in the store, only in royal navy blue color.
I am going to put the dark blue denim shirts online tonight or tomorrow night. Look for them online in the COG store and let me know what you think.

I maybe putting a special sale price on them as an introductory offer.

Never know, lots of members might like these better than the light blue ones. I sure do!
Do the sizes run big or small or normal? For example I usually take XL but in some shirts the XL is like a tent and the L fits good.
I think they run pretty normal.

And I still haven't put them in the store, but if you order the old style denim and then email merchandise (at) cog-online.org and let me know I will ship the dark color.

We don't have much stock of the light color until the vendor gets around to sending me two boxes of those (since they sent this dark color instead).
