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Newbie from Northern Virginia

Just picked up my silver '11 last night. I joined the forum about a month ago. Now that I have the bike I can become a full member. ;D I live in Culpeper & work in Manassas, so I'll get to ride about 2 hrs a day. I am a fleet maintenance manager for roll-off company with all Mack trucks. 42 years old, wife, two kids, 3 dogs and a mortgage. Ride home was about 100 miles, so it was a good test ride. A lot different than the KLR650 I just sold.
I bought a pdf version of the '08-09 service manual for few bucks several weeks ago while I was researching, and have been reading through it. On the way home I was readjusting the mirrors and they moved OK a little, and then they didn't seem to want to move further. I'm trying to push them down a little more. Can't find anything in the owner's manual or service manual on adjustment. Is there a tension adjustment that I can loosen, position the mirror and then re-tighten? 

Scott Bechler
Welcome Scott! Like Steve said, they're probably a little stiff being new, They will move with a little pressure. It's better to have this then have them loose and moving on you!  :)
Welcome Scott,
Hey why aren't people like that?  As we get older joints tighten up.  Enjoy the ride.