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Next ride in California


Connie is being loaded into moving truck tomorrow. Goodbye (temporarily) to Wisconsin, Army is moving me to California. Next ride will be in the Mountain View/Bay area. Hope this is a good assignment!
Hey, LaB,

Where are they posting you in the Bay Area?  I work at Moffett Field (civilian), and we have a few Army employees here, so just curious.
Cool, I work on the NASA side.  When you get settled, shoot me a message, maybe we can have lunch sometime.  :great:
Hey LaB & GFinCA...

I work fairly close to Moffet Field (Maude Ave in Sunnyvale...off the 237). Maybe we can all meet up for a lunch or something.
Willkommen to the Bay Area. We're starting to get a good sized group, maybe we can start our own monthly dinner routine like the Sac'to guys.

Jim P
San Hosay

Let us know when you're in town and settled in. We can try to schedule a day/evening when we can all meet up for lunch or dinner.
Big Poppa said:

Let us know when you're in town and settled in. We can try to schedule a day/evening when we can all meet up for lunch or dinner.

Sounds good, Big.  Lunch is usually better for me, since I actually live in the Central Valley and commute home every night.

JPavlis_CA said:
Willkommen to the Bay Area. We're starting to get a good sized group, maybe we can start our own monthly dinner routine like the Sac'to guys.

Jim P
San Hosay

Sounds like a great idea, Jim.  I live equidistant between Sac and San Jose, but I could probably swing a Bay Area monthly dinner more easily, since I would already be in the area for work.  I nominate you to make it happen.  :)
Wow GF! Your commute is crazier than mine!

I'm guessing you're pulling a 150 mile or so round trip? I'm pulling a 90+ mile round trip myself.

Maybe we can try to setup a monthly dinner in Pleasanton/LibMo so you'll be closer to home. Just a thought. :)
Big Poppa said:
Wow GF! Your commute is crazier than mine!

I'm guessing you're pulling a 150 mile or so round trip? I'm pulling a 90+ mile round trip myself.

Maybe we can try to setup a monthly dinner in Pleasanton/LibMo so you'll be closer to home. Just a thought. :)

Yeah, about that many miles, but I ride a commuter train, and work a 4/10 schedule along with some telecommuting, so it could be a lot worse.  Pleasanton/ Livermore would be great, but that might not be as convenient for others.  I think the important thing is to get something going, then we can talk about the options. 