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North Central Banquet


I am in the planning stages of setting up a banquet / awards / planning session for the Minnesota and other, if interested nearby districts. I have tentatively reserved a room with restaurant, in a hotel in the Twin Cities for Saturday January 10, 2015.

The format for the evening would go something like this.

Social hour
Recap of the past years events
Preliminary planning and idea session for events in 2015
More Socializing

It is going to cost $20.00 to $25.00 per person and we are going to need a commitment of 20 attendees to make this worthwhile.

Good idea. 

Too far for myself and SO to cross Vikings' country in Winter but never say never.

Am considering a SE WI regional chili cookoff for that time of year. 

Maybe we should make that night in January, a "COG Night Out" project where all North Central COGgers gather locally in bars, taverns, and watering holes to say prayers for those less-fortunate Texas, Florida, and other southern riders missing out on sub-zero, snowy weather.    :great:
I should probably go, be a good idea to meet some other concours folks. I put it on my calender for now.
To you folks a little ways out. The banquet is in a Comfort Inn just a short distance  from the Mall of America, REI, and Duluth Trading. These are all great places for camping and Outdoor gear. We also have on the north side of the city, http://www.bobscycle.com/  they keep a pretty decent variety of gear to actually try on all at mail order prices.

Bring the significant other and make it a weekend ....
Oh, I would SO love to come up there in January and escape the clutches of our low 70 degree weather, but sadly I need to stay here in Fl and share our weather reports with you lucky minnisotans. I know, it's a thankless job, but someone has to do it  >:D >:D >:D Steve
Your dedication to rubbing our noses in it reporting on Florida weather conditions is soooo appreciated.    :You_Rock_Emoticon: Thank you for your dedication to the task!  :sign0098:
We are less than half way to the amount of attendees it will take to make this cost effective. Looks like its not just the Floridians that are afraid to leave the safe confines of home. :)
Keep in mind that only a fraction of the members visit the forum.  This needs to go out as an email blast too. :beerchug:
2fast said:
Keep in mind that only a fraction of the members visit the forum.  This needs to go out as an email blast too. :beerchug:
What he said.
The long term calendar is open that day, 1 to attend.
I'm optimistic this will work out, so I reserved a room that night to avoid driving home afterwards.  Rooms are pretty cheap, got one with 2 beds for $80 with my experienced (senior) discount.  Nothing to lose, I can cancel up till 4pm on that same day.  :beerchug:
Voted yes on the poll.  Two are likely to attend.....unless the snowmobile conditions are too good to pass up :)
Paul, it will be a pleasure to meet you :great:

Rasmith....hope it works out.  If you are flyin and need a ride from the airport just give a shout.....it's 5 minutes from the hotel.  :06:
Delaine and I will attend. Sorry I couldn't committ before this, but I just finalized a ski trip to Jackson Hole. Stronie and I leaving 1/4/15 and returning the evening of 1/9/15. Delaine hates winter, so she's staying home.

Jackson Hole is a skier's mountain. Steep, deep and wild. Plenty of tree and cliffs in bounds. Out of bounds is best left to others who are willing to risk their lives. I prefer to stay inbounds so I'm around for riding season. This is one of those places that makes motorcycle riding look very safe.

We have friends that work there, so I expect a local tour with some expert skiers. Time to get in shape.

See you at the banquet, if not before.

ManWorkingHere said:
Good idea. 

Maybe we should make that night in January, a "COG Night Out" project where all North Central COGgers gather locally in bars, taverns, and watering holes to say prayers for those less-fortunate Texas, Florida, and other southern riders missing out on sub-zero, snowy weather.    :great:

How about we make the ceremony / meeting part of this night an on line event. I know it can be done in a "Google Hangout" and I would think Skype. If there is interest we should get a list of those who are planning on attending in that fashion and test some time before. It would be great if the other parts of the North Central participated in the years planning.
Only 11 registered so far. We need to have at least 20 to justify the meeting room.

Deadline is Jan 3, 2015.

Great selection of prizes and great fellowship on tap. Get your name in the basket.
Looks like you are stuck in quite a hell hole TT.  Very sorry to see :'(

The banquet was great......pics should be posted soon.  :beerchug:
Pics from the banquet

Awards were given for

I wish I was a COG Member


COG members with less than 10 years experience


COG members with more than 10 years experience


COG members who attended the Very Boring Rally


Randy Schafer was recognized for his many years an Assistant Area Director


Ken McClurg was recognized for his years of service as the North Central Area Director


More photos can be found here http://lsgiant.smugmug.com/2015/COG-Banqet/i-9pB6Gmh

Many great ideas for rides and events for the upcoming year were discussed and planned. Watch your upcoming news letter for dates and events.

Thanks to all for attending our first banquet.

Nice pics, thanx Jeff and +++

I'm sure this was another dead serious and humorless NC COG get together, right?
