• Can't post after logging to the forum for the first time... Try Again - If you can't post in the forum, sign out of both the membership site and the forum and log in again. Make sure your COG membership is active and your browser allow cookies. If you still can't post, contact the COG IT guy at IT@Concours.org.
  • IF YOU GET 404 ERROR: This may be due to using a link in a post from prior to the web migration. Content was brought over from the old forum as is, but the links may be in error. If the link contains "cog-online.org" it is an old link and will not work.

Northeast Area Newsletter 2023 Issue 1 Available

S Smith

Northeast Area Director
The Northeast Area Newsletter 2023 Issue 1 has been added to the Member Library.
From the club web site: www.concours.org, follow this menu navigation: Resources -> Library -> COG Areas

A PDF reader such as the free Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed on your computer to view/print the newsletter.

Here is a more direct link to the COG library. Newsletters are listed under the Northeast.