• Can't post after logging to the forum for the first time... Try Again - If you can't post in the forum, sign out of both the membership site and the forum and log in again. Make sure your COG membership is active and your browser allow cookies. If you still can't post, contact the COG IT guy at IT@Concours.org.
  • IF YOU GET 404 ERROR: This may be due to using a link in a post from prior to the web migration. Content was brought over from the old forum as is, but the links may be in error. If the link contains "cog-online.org" it is an old link and will not work.

Not found


Crotch Rocket
The last few days most of the time when I click on my bookmark for this website I get a cannot be found message.  I have even gotten it when I have clicked on the link on the cog-online home page.  Not allways obviously but most of the time.  Anyone else having this problem?  E-mailed Colin about it.  He said he would check into it.
I can NOT get on via laptop or desk top and intermittent via Blackberry (how I am here now) I did the diagnose connection link via internet explorer and got a "windows tried a repair but a problem still exists. Windows cannot find "forum.cog-onlinemorg" windfows sent the request to the DNS server and the server responded that the name was unknown. Check the spelling of the name, or contact your network administrator or internet service provider. In a box.

I think I just found it.
Sawfiler, did you get a smart phone (blackberry) for Christmas?  I had mine doing forum because I couldn't get in on the computer. I clicked the little polka dots (like a left click on puter) and selected "CLOSE" then tried and the laptop went right in. I suppose that is a block to keep others from riding in on our sign in.. Colin, if you get this (I will e-mail also) You may want to get it out. I will re-check to see if it is the problem.. :eek:
YEP definately have to CLOSED out of the FORUM in the PDA to get to it from desk or laptop!

Thats why my momma named me DUH...G!!
I am almost 100% sure the issue is with the DNS. (Domain Name Service)
This is the service that takes an doamin name and convert's it into a IP address.
For some reason our sub-domin is not always resolving.

To help me ouut if you find you can't access the forum via forum.cog-online.org
try going to this address http://cogmos.www58.a2hosting.com

The chalenge is it's intermittant and I'm not seeing the problem with my systems.
Its affecting both East and West Coast folks and multiple network providers.

I'll do what I can to figure this out.

1st time earlier today your link gave not found then a refresh on the link brought it back. Then just now 5 for 5 on your link Colin. 1st try when front page link didn't work. Came back a bit later and front page worked. 4 more tests of your posted link and all worked. I will go out from here and try side bar link next.
Was intermittent yesterday...  today nothing. Just tried an experiment with Colin and pointed to a different DNS server and BAM! it works.  definitely smelling like DNS issue.
This should now be resolved.

I placed a call with our hosting provider and they now report:


M. Prior,

We experienced a malfunction in DNS that would explain the activity you were seeing. It should be resolved now. Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention and feel free to reply with further issues.
