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OCTANE... again, but with a reason...


Ok, with the "new" improved M/R Primo, and Hammer flashes, and considering the fuel...
I need to ask Bubba his opinions...  :??: :truce: :??:
Just stuck my M/R Primo ECU in, and went to buy fuel in a 5 gallon can from my favorite "100% Gas place"... ::)

I was really bummed when I got there, as they used to have 93 Oct, and 90 also... :mad: :mad: :mad:
They stopped selling the 93.. and I'm crying...
So, I filled my truck up with the 90, and a 5 gallon can with (shuddder) the 92 octane "etha-mix" we have here... :'(
I really hate running ethanol fuels, but.. when on the road, ya gotta ya gotta...
Now, back to the Flash.... both the "big flashes" require at least 91 Octane, and as Octane boosters go, (there are a jillion, and each one lies/misconstrues) the "actual final mix.. and outcome".

I plan on carrying booster with me now, just so I don't get stuck with crappy fuel/performance in BFE...
I have read all the different manufacturers claims, but still can't find "real facts" on any of them as to "quantity per gallon, to achieve a 92-93 rating, from 89-90 pumped fuel"..
really gets me steamed about the vague "data" they give on the product bottles..

But; I do realize the difference in the system of rating... "boosts octane 10 points, really means it raises the octane by 1, i.e. turns 90 into 91... when a bottle is used in a 20 gallon tank.. supposedly"

now the conundrum, and question, as it's really never answered anywhere I can find it online...

"so ya dump a bottle, into 5 gallons... does that raise the octane from 90 to 94"?  or is that realistic...?
I don't think it works that way, so... anybody have a "real answer"?
The ethanol blended fuels are ok in your C-14 just not your C-10 however don't store anything longer that a month with ethanol blended fuel in it without a good stabilizer in it. The ethanol is corrosive to the carburetors on your C-10 the only real problem in your C-14 is it attracts water and may rust you tank if stored long term.
Grant said:
The ethanol blended fuels are ok in your C-14 just not your C-10 however don't store anything longer that a month with ethanol blended fuel in it without a good stabilizer in it. The ethanol is corrosive to the carburetors on your C-10 the only real problem in your C-14 is it attracts water and may rust you tank if stored long term.

I agree with this. Trying to find non ethanol fuel is just about impossible, and certainly not convenient. I run 10% ethanol fuel all the time. It's shelf life is certainly longer than a month and if long bouts of sitting is expected there are stabilizers like startron and other similar products that will slow the degradation of the ethanol. If you're out riding tank over tanks, use the 10% ethanol. it's getting run through so quickly it's a non issue. I'm not using and octane boosters in my own bike and IMO, it's just complicating the process.
    BTW, these flashes have the a/f ratio adjusted for the 10% ethanol fuel, so there is that, too.  ;) ;)  Steve
C'mon guys.. I live in Ohio... I know all the recipe/life/pitfalls about 10% ethanol fuels... and follow well my experience with them... especially the stabilization and such... been doing it for years...
:truce: :-X :truce:

My question is about "add in Octane boosters", for carry, when I am trippin' along on rides where I'm gonna re-fill maybe at least twice, and if I'm in a place that has 89-90 octane, "maybe", is the addition of the product viable... and if so, is it "cumulative" (i.e., add more per gallon to equal Bumping the octane up to what I need..)....?????/

Read my first post, again, I tried to "splain the question" there...  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :great: :??: ;)

And I know Steve developed the flashes using the 10% fuel.. that didn't worry me, it's just the "required octane" I want to adhere to, for comfort..
Mountain Runner Premium is the same as my Mountain Runner flash to 50% throttle. Regular Mountain Runner is built on 89 octane and runs fine on 89 octane. So if you have Mountain Runner Premium and can't get premium fuel, just stay below 50% throttle and you'll be fine.
Daytona_Mike said:
Well MOB.. you posted a good question.  I too have the M/R Primo. Doing a Google search and doing some reading it appears to be a lot of snake oil VS 'yes it works' but not by much.  I dont know what I would do  if I  could only buy 89 to 90.  Probably drive  easy on the throttle  until I found proper octane.



now you see my dilemma... I'm sure I won't have an issue finding fuel... but.... when on the road.. stuff happens... ya know?

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Steve in Sunny Fla said:
Mountain Runner Premium is the same as my Mountain Runner flash to 50% throttle. Regular Mountain Runner is built on 89 octane and runs fine on 89 octane. So if you have Mountain Runner Premium and can't get premium fuel, just stay below 50% throttle and you'll be fine.

well that ain't gonna happen...... :rotflmao: :motonoises: :motonoises: :lol_hitting: :pokestick: :angry: :41: :character0029: :character0029: :character0029:

I added toluene to my gas when doing track days in my supercharged 2001 Miata. It's pretty high octane & is an ingredient in some octane boosters.
Did it work? Well, the engine didn't blow even when hotter than... Unfortunately, I cannot hear ping, it's in a frequency where I have hearing loss so I don't know if & when I had any ping.    :??:
I think you can still get it at paint stores. It would at least be consistent if you can carry the appropriate amount.

I think I'll just stick to buying a couple bottles of the Lucas Octane booster, and carry them in the side bag.. cheap, sealed, and safe.. no guessing on how much "Toolio" I would have to add either, as, well.... what is that formula/ratio/outcome in "boost"... again, missing data;

I'll be calling Lucas tomorrow, and asking the "questions' I posed, as "does it raise via quantity added, or does it reach a max point prior to over using it..."

I'm full of 92 now, so.. no issues.
I think I'll just stick to buying a couple bottles of the Lucas Octane booster, and carry them in the side bag.. cheap, sealed, and safe.. no guessing on how much "Toolio" I would have to add either, as, well.... what is that formula/ratio/outcome in "boost"... again, missing data;

I'll be calling Lucas tomorrow, and asking the "questions' I posed, as "does it raise via quantity added, or does it reach a max point prior to over using it..."

I'm full of 92 now, so.. no issues.

  MOB, why didn't you just get Mountain Runner? It's built on 89 octane so this kind of thing is a non - issue. Steve
Steve in Sunny Fla said:
I think I'll just stick to buying a couple bottles of the Lucas Octane booster, and carry them in the side bag.. cheap, sealed, and safe.. no guessing on how much "Toolio" I would have to add either, as, well.... what is that formula/ratio/outcome in "boost"... again, missing data;

I'll be calling Lucas tomorrow, and asking the "questions' I posed, as "does it raise via quantity added, or does it reach a max point prior to over using it..."

I'm full of 92 now, so.. no issues.

  MOB, why didn't you just get Mountain Runner? It's built on 89 octane so this kind of thing is a non - issue. Steve

don't get me wrong, I wanted the primo, and can get fuel, no issue there... I was just questioning about the "booster" for emergency/remote fuel sources.. pretty much everywhere sells 91 today, so It's safe... all good...
Sorry, was not questioning or making any negatives about what I have..

also, as we have been so damned hot here, and I got stuck doing a lot of other stuff... I have not even fired the "beast" up yet... DOH...
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :rotflmao:

But tomorrow morn I will...  :great: :great: :great: :great:  90* temps just total me out... I can't take heat anymore... been sucking up gallons of water....
Yeah, same deal here. Now that I have some medical issues heat isn't as tolerable as it used to be. I remember being in my 20's and swapping truck engines in the Florida august  afternoon sun. How the heck did I do that?  :-\  Steve