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Oh CRAP!!!


My brother was down for a visit and we went for a ride, he on my Concours, and me on my CBR. Stop sign on a country road, turning right, he starts to go, stalls it, bike starts to tip and he can't hold it up. Right side saddlebag took most of the hit with some pretty deep scratches. Rightside lower and mid fairing are also affected, as is the painted portion of the rightside mirror.

If anyone has a source for 2011 atomic silver body parts I would greatly appreciate a heads up.

PS. I have never, ever, had good luck loaning out my bikes. :mad: :'( But is hard to say no to your brother. :)
I'd loan my bike to my brother in a second.  Because I know he'd pay for whatever he broke.  And vice versa.
I let my best friend ride my two week old 93 ZX11. He dropped it in the driveway upon his return. He was so upset but I felt strangely calm. I figured he had taken all the bad luck out of the bike. Paid my deductible and moved on. We still swapped bikes for many years afterword. Good riding buddies are worth it!
My rule is nobody rides my bike and I don't ride anybody's bike. Family included. For reasons stated above.
Neither of my brothers rides, so neither of them rides my bike.  But there are a few (two, actually) people with whom I occasionally swap bikes.  One is an old riding buddy.  I've been riding since the 70s but he has been riding even longer, and would certainly pay for any damage.  I'd do the same for him.  The other is my 30-year-old son.  Both are special cases; nobody else rides my bike except the occasional shop mechanic.

I'm really glad that your brother wasn't hurt, and your incident does qualify you for the CDA Award except for one thing.

You need to be a full COG member.  Don't worry, we don't make you drop her again after you've rejoined in order to qualify!  Just drop me a line after that happens and we'll add you to the roster.

In the interests of Full Disclosure, my own membership had lapsed for almost a month before a friend pointed it out to me.  I had been vaguely aware that renewal was coming up, but it simply slipped my mind. 

Just to avoid confusion, here are the instructions: How to Convert from Forum Subscriber to Full COG Membership

And here's where to Renew
I've had several ask to ride mine.
For that reason, I found a small sticker at the Cycle Gear counter that pretty much says it;

"Yes it goes fast- No you can't ride it."
Gave me a chuckle, but has proven effective! Lol