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Oregon In state Saddlesore 1000


I am planning a Oregon In State Iron Butt Association Saddlesore 1000. This will also be a total NON-INTERSTATE ride. Yes 1000 plus miles within a 24 hour period all in the state of Oregon and YES none of the mileage (not even 1 foot) will be on an interstate. If anyone is interested, please let me know. This will start/finish from Roseburg Oregon sometime in July 2009. I'll have the route and plan set, you have to do the ride, paperwork etc... I could put up a few riders for the night before and after if required. So if you are interested in the ride and not the ridicule....... contact me asap. Thanks! Oh and there is no guarantee of success or guarantee the IBA will get you your cert within any reasonable time frame. So there................................ AKA "2linby" That's 2-lin-by folks! Northwest Area Director COG #5539 AMA #927779 IBA #15034 TEAM OREGON MC Instructor http://community.webshots.com/user/2linby http://tinyurl.com/njas8 (IBA BunBurner Gold Trip) http://tinyurl.com/lwelx (Alaska trip)