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Phantom side kickstand

wierd harold

Wierd Harold, member 11106, May 3, 2015

Decided to take a little ride, and that turned into maybe 200 miles. I made a left at Atlas, Illinois headed West to Louisiana, Missouri so I stopped along the road and was going to take a drink of water. That is where the phantom side kickstand comes into play. I thought I put the kickstand down, started to lean the bike over and that's when gravity had me at the point of no return. All I could do then was muscle up and lay her down as gently as possible. I got her back up by holding the left handle in tite with the bike, my back to the seat and my left hand gripped onto the luggage rack bracket and pushing backwards with my legs. Upon inspection I found some gravel scratches on left mirror, and some on front left tip of storage compartment where my stick on reflector got scratched. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
The Wizard here, and I recognize that problem"Phantom Kickstand";craigslist Sunday night,1998 Connie has engine knock for cheaper,Monday I get a ride to look at it and buy.Because my ride left to continue trip to Reno,Nevada.I see it its as nice as the pics,turns key starts right up knock he heard not audible,I buy/paperwork done.Going home,stop at mothers,put down kickstand,go to climb off,problem.Kickstand is on a rock that shatters releasing phantom gone kickstand to arise and thus drop me and bike. I have earned my CDA,now who has an inexpensive Rifle tinted shield?  Jerry  :( :-\ :'( ??? First ride in 8 months
This is America, and if you want to be known as Wierd Harold, then it's fine with me!  Connie really is a top-heavy beast and I'm glad you and she both came through the incident with as little damage as you did.  Sorry for the delay; been having computer issues on this end.

And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 539th recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have yet another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:
0535 C10 David Peters
0536 C14 Joel Scherzer
0537 C10 Jim Polito
0538 C14 Bernard Vance
0539 C14 Harold Massey