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Props from and to Klim!

And to think I knew him back when................................... :great: :beerchug:
Sport Rider said:
whoever that rider is sure doesn't have much riding skill.  :nananana: :nananana: :nananana:

True:) he's not really committed is he? But, he looks good in that snowmobile gear :))
Back in '04/05/06, I worked for a Yamaha dealer in Ketchum, ID as a rental guide/service tech.
I'd take people(lots of foreigners) up into the Sawtooth National Forest and hope I didn't have to drag them out.
Me and the other guy I worked with would make bets before we even left the shop on who was going to be toast.
It's amazing how people can have thousands of miles worth of wide and well groomed trails yet they still manage to get buried in powder or in a half-frozen creek. :-[

Anyways, some folks from Klim at the time came thru and asked us to demo/test some of their stuff and give feedback.
At that point they were really still unheard of and I remember asking them, "how do you pronounce it again?". ;D

By the way they have come along since then, it's obvious they make good stuff...
I just prefer to leave my snowmobile gear at the house when I'm riding my motorcycle. :nananana:
Just kidding buddy... cool pic! :great:
KLIM makes damn good stuff....

I was out in Idaho after Sturgis 2 years ago, stopped for breakfast at McD's.... A lady and small kids came in, they kept looking at me...then the Husband/Father came in and I was pointed out to him... wtf?....  He came over to me, said they had noticed I was wearing Klim, asked if the bike outside with N.C. plates was mine....  He said I was just a few miles from the KLIM Headquarters, and asked if I had time to go by there for a tour...hell yea!
I was given a VIP tour and was introduced to most everyone in the offices.... They even showed me some things they are working on...
Great people, Great products  :beerchug:
Well this was more about a Concours appearing in a full page ad in a major magazine than the actual riding gear.  :truce:

Oh well, it can be about riding gear.  :beerchug:

Sport Rider said:
whoever that rider is sure doesn't have much riding skill.  :nananana: :nananana: :nananana:

Man you guys are rough. It's an ad taken by a photographer. The rider was told to ride by several times till the right shot got taken. not a GP race.
Sandy said:
Sport Rider said:
whoever that rider is sure doesn't have much riding skill.  :nananana: :nananana: :nananana:

Man you guys are rough. It's an ad taken by a photographer. The rider was told to ride by several times till the right shot got taken. not a GP race.

We joke around a lot on here. Sport Rider just loves seeing a Connie moving at Vulcan speeds :nananana:

Btw - I've driven in and produced many magazine ads. They had him leaned exactly as much or as little as they wanted.
I thought that was you Fais. Looks like CO. Klim is a great club supporter. Since Idaho Falls :great: :beerchug: