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Qualification Question

The Doctor

Do I still get an award if it's a SPARE parts-bike Connie?....



Luckily the Magna broke its fall..... :'(
Being the spare bike the tires are completely flat and dry rotted. I turned the handlebars to the right to get at one of the fairing screws. That pretty much put the bike straight up and down. Then I reached over it to grab something.... Whomp whomp.
Interesting question... :truce:

Seems like it always happens like that...nobody chooses to do it... :-X
I say no. Cause...I see it's missing key components. If it was 100% complete, then maybe, yes.
Also, I know that the previous owner <knot me> had already dropped it maybe one or two times [or more].

Also, blame tED. He is guilty in some way [I just knowed it] cause he keeps saying nasty stuff about me.

I think you is safe [for now].  ;)